ጋቶች ፓኖም ለሙከራ ወደ ደቡብ አፍሪካ ያመራል

ኢትዮጵያዊው አማካይ ጋቶች ፓኖም ለሙከራ ወደ ደቡብ አፍሪካ በመጪው እሁድ እንደሚያመራ ሶከር ኢትዮጵያ አረጋግጣለች፡፡ ጋቶች በቤድቬስት…

News in Brief – February 8

The FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour will be in Addis Ababa on February 24 and 25.…

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ArbaMinch down Dire Dawa as Electric Fall to Mekele

In week 14 Ethiopian Premier League encounter ArbaMinch Ketema and Mekele Ketema registered vital wins over…

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ሞሮኮ – የቻን 2018 ቻምፒዮን!

ሞሮኮ የቶታል አፍሪካ ሃገራት ቻምፒዮንሺፕ (ቻን) ያሸነፈች የመጀመሪያዋ አዘጋጅ ሃገር ሆናለች፡፡ ሞሮኮ በፍፃሜው ናይጄሪያን 4-0 በሆነ…

Mekelakeya, Sidama Share Spoils as Welwalo Pip Hawassa

Mekelakeya and Sidama Bunna settled for a goalless stalemate while Welwalo Adigrat University registers their first…

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Ethiopia Bunna Rallied From Behind to Overcome Fasil Ketema

In the opening week 14 fixture, Ethiopia Bunna came from behind to defeat Fasil Ketema 3-2…

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News in Brief – February 2

Ethiopians Abroad Ethiopian international Shemeles Bekele on the double as Petrojet pip Smouha 2-1 in week…

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የሽመልስ በቀለ ሁለት ግቦች ፔትሮጀት ስሞሃ ላይ ድል እንዲቀዳጅ አስችለዋል

በግብፅፅ ፕሪምየር ሊግ 22ኛ ሳምንት በአል ስዌዝ ስታዲየም የሁለቱ ኢትዮጵያዊያንን ክለቦች ያገናኘው ጨዋታ በፔትሮጀት 2-1 አሸናፊነት…

“Our current form is nice but it really is a tough league” Oumed Okuri

Since joining Smouha on August 2017 the Ethiopian international Oumed Okuri has made 22 appearances in…

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ኡመድ ስለዘንድሮ አቋሙ እና ስለስሞሃ ይናገራል

በኤል ኤንታግ ኤል ሃርቢ የነበረውን የተሳካ ግዜ አጠናቅቆ ወደ አሌክሳንደሪያው ክለብ ስሞሃ ያመራው ኢትዮጵያዊው ኢንተርናሽናል ኡመድ…